LNMP Seems Dangerous!

LNMP.org is in Chinese so I have to use Google translate, but this seems to be dangerous to deploy even internal!

LNMP a key installation package is a Linux Shell prepared for CentOS / RadHat, Debian / Ubuntu VPS (VDS) or independent host installation LNMP (Nginx, MySQL, PHP, phpMyAdmin) Shell program production environment.

Why do we need it?

Compile and install need to enter a lot of orders, if you are configuring a production environment requires a lot of time.
Not Linux or Linux newbie webmasters want to use Linux as a production environment ……

That last line should tell us something! Admins who don’t want to use Linux as a production environment can simplify their tasks on a web interface? The main page gives links to the following pages:


phpinfo.php is like you expect, the routine phpinfo() function output. It also installs with phpMyAdmin. Finally, the p.php page is the best, giving up lots of details about the system:


At the bottom of the page is a function to test the MySQL database connection, test a function ?!, and set up e-mail alerts:


I didn’t test this out much, but the information disclosure alone is great!

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